Sedan den planerade Prideparaden i Belgrad stoppats av myndigheterna ordnades en alternativ Pridemanifestation på Belgrads mediacenter under lördagförmiddagen. EU-minister Birgitta Ohlsson höll ett kort anförande. Talet följer nedan.
Human rights defenders, activists and friends.
I’m proud to be here today. I’m proud that we are here to make our mark on history.
Today, we gather for freedom.
Today, we gather for equality.
Today, we gather for a Europe that will never ever accept homophobia ruling our streets.
We believe that in 2012 everybody should have the right to stand proudly and show the world who they are.
We were all deeply disappointed when the authorities banned the parade
We are here because Human Rights are our Pride. And we are here because we believe in Pride.
We believe in a just society. We believe that in the year of 2012 LGBT-rights should be considered human rights and nothing less.
The Europe we represent has a history of reason, of equality, of tolerance.
The Europe we are building together will never accept hatred, homophobia or human rights violations.
The Europe that we dream of is based on a free and open society.
When we meet here today, we are still making a statement about the Europe we want to live in.
Around Europe, LGBT-people are facing severe discrimination. That is shameful!
LGBT-people are being violently harassed in the streets.
Pride Parades are being banned in European cities.
LGBT-people are being discriminated against in all aspects of life.
This is not the Europe we want to live in. Europe deserves a better future.
And we can shape this future together.
By being brave, by being strong, and by never giving in to hate.
It’s about never giving up and never giving in.
I have a young daughter.
I have a hope that she will grow up in a Europe where no one questions her choice of partner or her identity.
I have a wish that my daughter will grow up in a Europe where no politician, no authority, no religious leader will ever stop a Pride parade.
I have a hope of a world where no one preaches hate against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people.
To be silent on the violations of human rights is also a choice – and it is unacceptable.
That’s why I would like to urge all European politicians from left to right to get out of the closet.
Do not hide behind the LGBT-activists and let them fight on their own. Dare to raise your voice for freedom.
In 1964 Bob Dylan sang ”you had better start swimming or you’ll sink like a stone, for the times they are a-changin'”
The world has changed a lot since then when it comes to LGBT rights.
My country Sweden has changed. And Serbia will change too.
Friends, the times they are a-changin’ – also in Serbia.
I am a strong friend of the enlargement
The European Union comes with commitment to human rights commitment to minority rights commitment to freedom of speech commitment to freedom of assembly
These are the core values of the union.
LGBT-rights are human rights. I expect the Serbian government to deliver on this.
Because it’s about commitment to action
We that are gathering here are on the right side of history!
Never keep your voice shut about human rights violations. Always speak for those who can’t.
The future belongs to us
Because Human rights are our Pride!
Let us meet next year in the streets of Belgrade.
Happy Pride!