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Dismantling knowledge asymmetries and power relations in gender studies

The Margherita von Brentano center for gender studies at Freie universität Berlin is organizing for this summer term 2021, the third edition of the Transnational feminist dialogues. The online series will be held in May, June and July under the title:

”Transnational feminist dialogues in times of the neoliberal university”.
The current series focusses on the neoliberal character of today´s higher educational system and want to address some structural phenomena related to power relations from a critical perspective. Our invitation is to reflect and discuss which discourses, policies and actors are shaping universities in times when neoliberalism has reached all spheres of the higher educational system and what alternatives we have to counter this one-sidedness

The first session, ”Dismantling knowledge asymmetries and power relations in gender studies”, will focus on the question about the asymmetries that shape the production and circulation of knowledge not only within gender studies, but also within/between diversity, queer, intersectionality and postcolonial studies.

We will discuss about the way in which marginalized and/or critical perspectives and voices find their way in the neoliberal higher educational system, but also the depoliticization of this feminist intellectual projects in the neoliberal university. By pointing out the plurality of actors, institutions and perspectives involved in the processes of knowledge production in these fields, we want to discuss the multiplicity of asymmetries entangled.

Evenemang av Margherita von Brentano Center for Gender Studies, FU Berlin

Tuesday, May 27 at 4-5.30 pm

Sirma Bilge (Université Montréal)
Maria do Mar Pereira (University of Warwick)

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