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“I Am Queen Mary: great magnitude dramaturgies for body, territory and heritage”


Deise Faria Nunes (BR/NO, 1974) is an artist-researcher with a special interest in performance, ritual and audiovisual. She is currently a PhD fellow in Theatre at the University of Agder (2019-2022).

Abstract: The talk, which is also becoming an extensive article to be published in a future series on decolonial dramaturgy, examines the art project I Am Queen Mary, by Jeannette Ehlers and La Vaughn Belle, crossing points between Black feminism, the presence of the African diaspora in the Nordics, and great magnitude performance dramaturgies in which the approach to aspects such as body, territory and heritage converge into decolonial perspectives and practices.

Bio: Nunes is based in Norway since 1999 and is active in the performing arts field since 2003. While developing her own practice and methods, she has worked as a performer, dramaturge, creative producer, project manager and freelance writer for among others ACTS laboratory for performance practices, Nordic Black Theatre, Office for Contemporary Art – OCA, Oslo Biennale and Black Box teater.
She is currently head of the national Theatre Committee at the Arts Council Norway. In 2017, Nunes created the company Golden Mirrors Arts Norway, focusing on production and diffusion of works by Black women in the arts and culture.
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“I Am Queen Mary: great magnitude dramaturgies for body, territory and heritage”
KLOCKAN 15:15–17:00
Location: Room 22-1017, Thunbersgatan 3C, Engelska parken Uppsala University.
Evenemang av Centrum för mångvetenskaplig forskning om rasism
Längd: 1 h 45 min

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