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Queer Tattooing / Lecture and conversation with Nikki Sullivan


Welcome to a lecture and conversation about Queer tattooing at Etnografiska museet 13/3 at 13 hs! Nikki Sullivan gives a live online lecture from Australia, followed by a conversation between Pia Laskar and Sara Swanson about searching for and writing queer history.

”Queer Tattooing: what does that mean?
What does it mean to find the words ‘queer’ and ‘tattoo(ing)’ conjoined? Is this a phrase that is used simply to denote the fact that particular artists, studios, patrons, or designs are queer? Or does it mean that tattoos and tattooing are somehow inherently queer, or, have become so of late? What has the relationship between queer identity and/or practice and tattoos and tattooing been historically and in specific geographic contexts? And how have such identities and practices intersected with other forms of body modification and expressions of style. Is queer tattooing political, aesthetic, performative, ethical, reclamatory, consumerist, spiritual, a mode of belonging? Who gets to decide, and how? My presentation will explore these and other questions that the bringing together or two wor(l)ds invokes.”

Nikki Sullivan is an adjunct Associate Profess in the School of Humanities at the University of Adelaide. She has worked in academia, the museum sector, and sexual health, and in each of the roles she has held has been an advocate of queer practice. Nikki wrote her PhD thesis on tattooing and later published a book entitled Tattooed Bodies: Subjectivity, Textuality, Ethics and Pleasure (Praeger, 2000)

Pia Laskar is a Doctorate in History of Ideas and Science, and Associate Professor in Gender Studies. She wrote her PhD thesis on the history on heterosexuality (2005). After some decades as a lecturer and researcher at Stockholm- and Linköping universities she got enrolled in the museum sector. Her last book Den outställda sexualiteten. (2019) is a result of the project Unstraight research in museums and Nätverket för kulturav och genusforskning at Swedens National Historical Museums (2016-2020). She is currently working with QRAB – the Queer Movements Archive and Library, and with TUM – The Unstraight Museum

Sara Swanson is a queer tattoo artist who opened StaDemonia Tattoo in Barcelona 15 years ago with her partner and master Soledad Aznar, and since 2017 you find them in Stockholm.

The program is a collaboration between StaDemonia Tattoo Stockholm and Världskulturmuseerna and part of our project about Queer Tattooing where we arrange conversations about art, tattooing, and invite lgtbqi+ artists as guest tattooers and sharing experiences.

Queer Tattooing / Lecture and conversation with Nikki Sullivan
KLOCKAN 13:00–14:30
Etnografiska museet
Evenemang av StaDemonia Tattoo Stockholm
Etnografiska museet
For info about accessibility, write to [email protected] 

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