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The gendered Landscape of European Cities


Join us in Umeå, Sweden June 9–10, 2022 for an international conference exploring current research and practice on gender equality in European cities.

Sessions on: Gender and climate change mitigation, gender in urban planning, gender as a driver for innovation, and social progress through equal participation in the labour market

Moderator: Katrine Marçal, journalist and bestselling author on women and innovation

Speakers include: 
Matthew Baldwin, manager of EU 100 Climate Neutral Cities project and EU coordinator for road safety/sustainable urban mobility
Inés Sánchez de Madariaga, Chair of the Advisory Group on Gender Issues at UN Habitat, internationally recognized expert on gender in research, architecture, planning and development

Maria Sanguiliano, CEO and Research Director at Smart VeniceLänk till annan webbplats.. A senior gender and innovation researcher and expert
Lidewij Tummers-Mueller, leading international expert on sustainable building and participative design. Founding member of the European network of experts on gender, diversity and urban sustainability (GDUS) and the European network of Collaborative Housing.

Valentina Montoya Robledo, PhD in law from Harvard University, assistant law professor at Universidad de los Andes and director of Invisible commutesLänk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.
Florencia Andreola, architect and independent researcher. Co-curator of the public program and research project Sex & the City on Gender planning, and co-author of the Milan Gender Atlas

Date: June 9-10, 2022

Time: Program starts at 10.00 (optional on-site Gendered Landscape Bus TourLänk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.), digital program at 13.15 on June 9th. Conference dinner for on-site participants. End time 12.00 on June 10th, bus transport for the airport is available for conference participants.
See full conference program here.

Place: P5Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster., Umeå, Sweden (digital participation possible for parts of the program)
See practical information on travel and accomodation here.

Questions and information: [email protected] (conference coordinator)

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