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Demonstration mot förvar


We are protesting together with our comrades locked up in the detention center in Märsta against the inhumane imprisoning of migrants in detention centers.

We are facing a radicalization of bordering and racist migration politics. It’s time to show up.

Detention centres are not only a result of national borders, they also create them. The detention center is both a cause and an effect of the criminalization of migrants. They construct the migrant as a threat towards the nation, a non-citizen which can be stripped of democratic rights.

We have seen our comrades, spouses and friends be torn away from their young kids, imprisoned, and sometimes deported to places where they are not safe. After having seen and lived how detention politics play out on the ground, we know that the whole institution of the detention center is politically and ethically unacceptable.

This has to end. No more resources to police, control and the abduction of members of our community.

We stand side-by-side with the incarcerated people in detention centers in Sweden. We demand the cancellation of their deportation orders. We demand their immediate liberation and the closing of all detention centers.

Demonstration mot förvar
Maskingatan 4, Arlandastad
KL 16:00
Evenemang av Ingen Människa är Illegal Stockholm

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Prenumerera gratis på vårt