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World-making remeberences in queer audiovisual culture


Internationellt symposium som samlar filmforskare, filmare och arkivarier för att utforska frågor om queert audiovisuellt minne.

Bra att veta:
– Evenemanget är öppet för alla och ingen föranmälan krävs. Symposiet hålls på engelska.
– Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper
– Sal J222 och J330, Humanisten, Renströmsgatan 6

Symposiet är organiserat av Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper och forskningsprojektet ”Queert världsskapande i välfärdsstaten: en receptionsstudie över audiovisuella mediers roll i queera motoffentligheter i Sverige, 1944-1989” (VR 2022-24).

Invigningen sker tisdag 5 december klockan 15:15 i J222 med välkomstord av Andrea Castro, Vicedekan för forskning vid Humanistiska fakulteten, Lena Martinsson, Prefekt vid Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper samt Ingrid Ryberg, ansvarig för symposiet. Lokaler på Humanisten är rum J222 respektive J330.

Symposiet innefattar också ett samarbete med Hagabion genom visning av och samtal om den ”nyupptäckta queerfilmsklassikern” Avskedet (regi Tuija-Maija Niskanen, producent Ingmar Bergman, 1982) 5 december 2023 20:00, samt med KvinnSam, nationellt bibliotek för genusforskning och universitetsgemensam forskningsinfrastruktur vid Göteborgs universitet, som kommer ställa ut material relaterat till symposiet i montrarna i Humanistiska bibliotekets entré från 30 november 2023.

Taking queer scholar José Esteban Muñoz’s (2009) contention that “[o]ur remembrances and their ritualized tellings – through film, video, performance, writing, and visual culture – [have] world-making potentialities” as a cue, this symposium inquiries into the current surge of interest in audiovisual explorations and mobilizations of the queer past.

In addition to an ever-expanding corpus of film and television programs that are turning the camera towards LGBTQAI+ histories, countless artistic and archival projects around the globe are also contributing to the rich ongoing creation and circulation of queer cultural memory. In addressing a diverse range of materials that seek to reimagine and represent queer and trans histories – following ephemeral traces, ghostly presences, anxious citations, and ritualized embodied practices that merge the private with the collective – this symposium aims to precipitate productive and critical conversations that foreground the affective and political meanings of queer media memories and popular history-making.

Practical information
– Public event. No registration is required.
The symposium is held in English.
– Department of Cultural Sciences
– Rooms J222 and J330, Faculty of Humanities, Renströmsgatan 6

The symposium is organized by the Department of Cultural Sciences to form part of the research project “Queer world-making in the welfare state: a reception study of the role of audiovisual media in queer counter publics in Sweden, 1944-1989” (The Swedish Research Council, 2022-2024).
The inauguration will take place on Tuesday December 5 at 15:15 in Room J222, as speakers and audience are greeted by Assistant Dean at the Faculty of Humanities Andrea Castro, Lena Martinsson, Head of the Department of Cultural Scienes, and Ingrid Ryberg, head of the symposium. The symposium will be held in Rooms J222 and J330, respectively, at the Faculty of Humanities.
The symposium features a collaboration between the Department of Cultural Sciences and Hagabion, who will host a screening along with a discussion of the ”newly discovered queer film classic” Avskedet (The Farewell) (directed by Tuija-Maija Niskanen, produced by Ingmar Bergman – 1982) on December 5, 2023, at 20:00 (with English subtitles), and KvinnSam, National Resource Library for Gender Studies and university-wide research infrastructure at the University of Gothenburg. The latter will host an exhibition showcasing material relating to the symposium as of November 30, 2023.

Symposium schedule and list of speakers
December 5 15:15-17:00 and 20:00-22:00

J222 and Hagabion
Andrea Castro, Assistant Dean for Research at the Faculty of Humanities
Lena Martinsson, Head of Department of Cultural Sciences
Ingrid Ryberg (University of Gothenburg)
Chair: Anna Backman Rogers (University of Gothenburg)
Anu Koivunen (University of Turku)
Beyond paranoia and reparation: Tracing queer worlds in Finnish TV history
Clara Bradbury-Rance (King’s College London)
The Anxious Citations of Lesbian Film Studies
20:00-22:00 Hagabion, Linnégatan 21
Screening: Avskedet (The Farewell, Tuija-Maija Niskanen, 1982) (English subtitles)
Conversation between Ingrid Ryberg and Marie Falksten (artist and filmmaker)
December 6 9:15-12:15 and 13:15-15:30
NB: before lunch J222, after lunch J330
Chair: Karolina Westling (University of Gothenburg)
Ingrid Ryberg (University of Gothenburg)
Queerly remembered on VHS: the slow death of City Club’s drag show videotape
Chair: Erika Alm (University of Gothenburg)
Eliza Steinbock (Maastricht University)
Ghosts in My Throat: Mediumship and the Grain of the Trans Voice in the Historical Documentaries of Chase Joynt (No Ordinary Man & Framing Agnes)
Ester M. Bergsmark (Stockholm University of the Arts)
voice under and traumaturgy
Chair: Valeria Villegas Lindvall (University of Gothenburg)
Anna Linder, Artistic Director of SAQMI, Swedish Archive for Queer Moving Images
Rachel Pierce, Research Coordinator, KvinnSam, Humanities Libraries, University of Gothenburg
Chair: Karolina Westling (University of Gothenburg)
Kata Kyrölä (University College London)
“Show Yourself” – queer Indigenous and Sámi sensibilities in contemporary cinema
14:45-15:30 Wrap up

World-making remeberences in queer audiovisual culture
Evenemang av Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper
Humanisten – Göteborgs universitet

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