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Feministisk, antirasistisk nätverksträff om minoritetsstress


Are you a racialized woman, nonbinary, or transgender activist? Join us at Interfem’s Nordic network meeting in Oslo on September 8-10! Connect with like-minded individuals and make meaningful contributions to our community. RSVP now to secure your spot.
Get your free ticket here.

The network meeting will focus on sustainable activism and minority stress that particularly racialized women, nonbinary and transgender activists face.
Location: Oslo, Norway (TBA)
Date and time: 8th of September 5:00 PM – 10th of September at 3 PM 2023

Cost: Free of charge, Interfem pays for travel, accommodation and food.
Target group: Racialized BIPOC women, nonbinary and transgender, within the Nordic countries: Åland, Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Norway, Sápmi, and Sweden.
Welcome to register for the event! Registration will be open until 16th of August.

Become a member online or at arrival!

Friday 8th: 5pm – 10pm
Arrival, dinner and joint evening activities.

Saturday 9th: 9:30 am – 5 pm.
Day of seminars and workshops. Dinner and evening activities.
Sunday 9th: 9:30 am – 3 pm workshop and lunch before departure.
More detailed information and program will be added or changed.
Join the fight for equality with Interfem! We are an anti-racist and feminist think tank, dedicated to reducing structural discrimination. Our team develops innovative strategies and methods to make a positive impact. Have questions? Contact us at info[at] Let’s make a difference together. For more information, visit Interfem.

Feminist Anti Racist Nordic Network Meeting in Oslo
8 SEP KL. 17:00–10 SEP KL. 15:00

Norway, Oslo.
Evenemang av Interfem

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