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Our silence will not protect us

We currently live in a time of insecurity, where many people’s safety is at risk. In early December, we saw how the country crouched under fascism, when the Sweden Democrats undisturbed could express their racist messages and exercise the power to strike down a democratically elected government. 

As Sweden-based participants at the conference Excitable Writing at the University of Linköping, we have spent days talking about how we, as feminist scholars, activists and artists, can use writing as a tool to make the world a more inclusive place. We know that scholars who point out the racism of the Sweden Democrats today are subjected to death threats. Activists and artists who in various ways are raising their voices are also at risk. 

Now we speak out, from a historical and material necessity. As feminists, we cannot coexist with fascism, because it would deprive us, and many others, of our existence. As academics, artists and activists, we cannot keep silent; we have a responsibility to use our resources in the on going conversation on what world we want to live in. It is historically acute to defend a world that is including many different existences.

In the newspapers, we read of researchers who analyse the political situation and put the Sweden Democrats in a historical context. It is important. But it is not enough. We need mobilization against fascism. Statements, questioning and active work for democracy is necessary. Based on our different positions, experiences and privileges, we as academics, activists and artists should make democracy together with others in the extra-election campaign. Our silence will not protect us.

Sweden based participants in ”Excitable Writing. Trans_forming academia_art_actvism”

Linköping 10th of December 2014

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