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ESC backar efter kritik mot flaggförbudet

Efter kritiken, från Feministiskt initiativs gruppledare i Stockholms stadsfullmäktige Sissela Nordling Blanco och flera andra, har arrangörerna av Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) ändrat sig och tillåter den samiska flaggan, och andra flaggor, under tävlingen nästa helg.

Enligt Sveriges radio innebär uttalandet från tävlingens styrgrupp i European Broadcasting Union (EBU) en öppen hållning till flaggor, så länge publiken respekterar tävlingens icke-politiska hållning. Uttalandet lyder:

After reflection and constructive talks with several participating delegations, Eurovision Song Contest organisers have agreed to relax the flag policy, and to allow national, regional and local flags of the participants e.g. the Welsh flag (as one of the UK singers is from Wales) and the Sami flag (as the Norwegian singer is originally of Sami heritage). This is in addition to the flags of all UN member states, the EU flag and the rainbow flag, as stipulated in the original guidelines.

The EBU also proposed a more tolerant approach to other flags as long as the audience respects the non-political nature of the Eurovision Song Contest and do not deliberately attempt to obstruct the camera views.

This proposal was approved by the Eurovision Song Contest’s governing body, the Reference Group.

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