On July 1st Turkey is officially withdrawing from the Istanbul Convention. This is just the latest example of the ongoing patriarchal attacks on the freedoms of women and LGBTQI+ people. EAST – Essential Autonomous Struggles Transnational are not going to remain silent! We call all those who struggle against patriarchal, racist and capitalist violence to join us on July 1st in a transnational day of action!
Different actions will be organized in:
Belgium: sit-in front of the Turkish assembly (more info soon)
Further solidarity actions in Latin America and Europe will be announced soon
Wherever you are, you can take part in the day of action even though you are not able to organize a physical event by:
1. Putting the ”Stop the patriarchal attack!” frame.
2. Tagging @EASTEssentialStruggles and sending us (here on Facebook or at [email protected]) a picture of you holding a sign with one or more of the following hashtags:
#StopPatriarchalAttack #IstanbulConventionisOurs #OurStruggleIsEssential #WeRevoltOnJuly1st #1Temmuzdaİsyandayız #İstanbulSözleşmesindenVazgeçmiyoruz #IstanbulConventionIsOurs #istanbulsozlesmesibizim
3. Organizing a digital or offline action, a protest, a discussion on the patriarchal attacks in your local context. Don’t forget to let us know and send us pictures. We want to amplify the voices of all struggling people!