Konstmusiksystrar organises a digital seminar at Sound of Stockholm for strengthening the international bonds of sound artists and composers identifying non-male.
Konstmusiksystrar’s relations with similar associations stretch across the world. At the seminar, participants will meet representatives from sister organisations in Canada, Ukraine, Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Wanting to expand the network, an open seminar is held for discussion and knowledge exchange.
During the meeting, members of all participating organisations tell about their initiatives and share the opportunities and challenges they are facing. An open discussion on commonalities and similar experiences for the purpose of new international collaborations concludes the event.
!Open for all, pre-registration required!
Register here
> Konstmusiksystrar (SE)
> F*EM Musique (QC)
> Womens Sound (UA)
> Sklash+ (DK)
> Birgit Djupendal (NO)
> Lotus Collective (CAN, Montreal)
> She said so (CAN, Montreal)
Organisers: Vanessa Massera, Agnes Kofoed Christianson, Anna Jakobsson.
Evenemang av Konstmusiksystrar
Konstmusiksystrar is a network for non-male composers and sound artists, focusing on structural changes in the electro-acoustic music scene.